Arduino - Keypad 键盘

Arduino - Keypad

Arduino - Keypad

The keypad is widely used in many devices such as door lock, ATM, calculator…

In this tutorial, we will learn:

  • How to use keypad 3x4 and keypad 4x4 with Arduino.
    如何将键盘 3x4 和键盘 4x4 与 Arduino 一起使用。
  • How to read value from keypad 3x4 and keypad 4x4 with Arduino.
    如何使用 Arduino 从键盘 3x4 和键盘 4x4 读取值。
  • How to verify the password inputted from keypad

About Keypad 关于键盘


The keypad is a set of buttons arranged in rows and columns (called matrix). Each button is called key

Keypad has various types. Two popular types for DIY projects are keypad 3x4 (12 keys) and keypad 4x4 (16 keys).
键盘有多种类型。DIY 项目的两种流行类型是键盘 3x4(12 键)和键盘 4x4(16 键)。

Pinout 引脚排列

Keypad pins are divided into two groups: row and column.

Keypad 3x4 has 7 pins: 4 row-pins (R1, R2, R3, R4) and 3 column-pin (C1, C2, C3).
键盘 3x4 有 7 个引脚:4 个排引脚(R1、R2、R3、R4)和 3 列引脚(C1、C2、C3)。

Keypad 4x4 has 8 pins: 4 row-pins (R1, R2, R3, R4) and 4 column-pin (C1, C2, C3, C4).
键盘 4x4 有 8 个引脚:4 个排引脚(R1、R2、R3、R4)和 4 列引脚(C1、C2、C3、C4)。

Keypad Pinout

How It Works 它是如何工作的

This section is the in-depth knowledge. DON’T worry if you don’t understand. Ignore this section if it overloads you, and come back in another day. Keep reading the next sections.

The process of detecting the key pressing is called scanning keypad.

It is called “scanning” because it checks one key by one key.

Row-pins are connected to Arduino’s output pins

Column pins are connected to Arduino’s input pins (INPUT_PULLUP, in this state, the value of the input pin is HIGH if the key is not pressed).

For each row: 对于每一行:

  • Sets all row-pins is HIGH.
  • Sets only the current row-pin to LOW.
  • Reads the state of each column.
    • If a column-pin is HIGH ⇒ key at (row, column) is NOT pressed.
      如果列引脚为高电平,则不按下 (行、列) 处⇒键。
    • If a column-pin is LOW ⇒ key at (row, column) is pressed.
      如果列引脚为低电平,则按下 (行、列) 处⇒键。
  • Repeats the above process for the next row-pins.

※ NOTE THAT: ※ 注意事项:

The above is one of the methods to scan keypad. We can invert all HIGH to LOW and all LOW to HIGH to scan keypad.

Why does keypad is arranged and connected as a matrix? This makes the scanning process complicated. Why do not use each key as an independent button, then the state of the key is simply determined by reading the state of a button?

⇒ As we know, an independent button requires one Arduino’s pin and GND. Let’s take keypad 4x4 as an example. If we each key as an independent button, it requires 16 Arduino pin for 16 keys plus GND pin. If we arranged a connected key in matrix form, we just need to use 8 Arduino’s pin, so we can save Arduino’s pin. In short, the answer is: to save the Arduino pins.
⇒ 众所周知,一个独立的按钮需要一个Arduino的引脚和GND。让我们以键盘 4x4 为例。如果我们每个按键作为一个独立的按钮,它需要 16 个 Arduino 引脚用于 16 个按键加上 GND 引脚。如果我们以矩阵形式排列一个连接的密钥,我们只需要使用 8 个 Arduino 的引脚,这样我们就可以保存 Arduino 的引脚。简而言之,答案是:保存Arduino引脚。

Wiring Diagram 接线图

Arduino Keypad Wiring Diagram

This image is created using Fritzing. Click to enlarge image
此图像是使用 Fritzing 创建的。点击放大图片

How To Program For Keypad 如何为键盘编程

Thanks to Keypad library, using keypad with Arduino is a piece of cake, no matter whether you understand how the keypad works or not.
多亏了键盘库,无论您是否了解键盘的工作原理,使用带有 Arduino 的键盘都是小菜一碟。

Arduino Code Arduino代码

Keypad 3x4 键盘 3x4

#include <Keypad.h>

const int ROW_NUM = 4; //four rows
const int COLUMN_NUM = 3; //three columns

char keys[ROW_NUM][COLUMN_NUM] = {

byte pin_rows[ROW_NUM] = {9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte pin_column[COLUMN_NUM] = {5, 4, 3}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), pin_rows, pin_column, ROW_NUM, COLUMN_NUM );

void setup(){

void loop(){
  char key = keypad.getKey();

  if (key){

Keypad 4x4 键盘 4x4

#include <Keypad.h>

const int ROW_NUM = 4; //four rows
const int COLUMN_NUM = 4; //four columns

char keys[ROW_NUM][COLUMN_NUM] = {
  {'1','2','3', 'A'},
  {'4','5','6', 'B'},
  {'7','8','9', 'C'},
  {'*','0','#', 'D'}

byte pin_rows[ROW_NUM] = {9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte pin_column[COLUMN_NUM] = {5, 4, 3, 2}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), pin_rows, pin_column, ROW_NUM, COLUMN_NUM );

void setup(){

void loop(){
  char key = keypad.getKey();

  if (key){

Quick Steps 快速步骤

  • Navigate to the Libraries icon on the left bar of the Arduino IDE.
    导航到 Arduino IDE 左侧栏上的 Libraries 图标。
  • Search “keypad”, then find the keypad library by Mark Stanley, Alexander Brevig
    搜索“键盘”,然后找到 Mark Stanley、Alexander Brevig 的键盘库
  • Click Install button to install keypad library.

Arduino keypad library

  • Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE
    复制上面的代码并使用Arduino IDE打开
  • Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to Arduino
    单击Arduino IDE上的“上传”按钮,将代码上传到Arduino
  • Open Serial Monitor 开放式串行监视器
  • Press some keys on keypad
  • See the result in Serial Monitor

Keypad and Password 键盘和密码

A popular application of keypad is the password input. In this application, we specify two special keys:

  • A key to start/re-start the password input. For example, key ""
  • A key to terminate the password input. For example, key “#”

The password will be a string that contains the remaining keys, except for two selected special keys.

When a key is pressed.

  • If the key is NOT neither "" nor “#”, append the key to the user’s input password string.
  • If the key is “#”, compare the user’s input password string with the password to determine the input password is correct or not, and then clear the user’s input password string
  • If the key is "", clear the user’s input password string

Keypad - Password Code 键盘 - 密码代码


 * Created by
 * This example code is in the public domain
 * Tutorial page:

#include <Keypad.h>

const int ROW_NUM = 4; //four rows
const int COLUMN_NUM = 3; //three columns

char keys[ROW_NUM][COLUMN_NUM] = {

byte pin_rows[ROW_NUM] = {9, 8, 7, 6}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte pin_column[COLUMN_NUM] = {5, 4, 3}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), pin_rows, pin_column, ROW_NUM, COLUMN_NUM );

const String password = "1234"; // change your password here
String input_password;

void setup(){
  input_password.reserve(32); // maximum input characters is 33, change if needed

void loop(){
  char key = keypad.getKey();

  if (key){

    if(key == '*') {
      input_password = ""; // clear input password
    } else if(key == '#') {
      if(password == input_password) {
        Serial.println("password is correct");
        // DO YOUR WORK HERE
      } else {
        Serial.println("password is incorrect, try again");

      input_password = ""; // clear input password
    } else {
      input_password += key; // append new character to input password string
  • Run above code 运行上述代码
  • Open Serial Monitor 开放式串行监视器
  • Press “123456” keys and press “#”
  • Press “1234” keys and press “#”
  • See the result on Serial Monitor

Video Tutorial 视频教程

We are considering to make the video tutorials. If you think the video tutorials are essential, please subscribe to our YouTube channel to give us motivation for making the videos.
我们正在考虑制作视频教程。如果您认为视频教程是必不可少的,请订阅我们的 YouTube 频道,为我们制作视频提供动力。

Additional Knowledge 其他知识

  • How to use the multiple passwords for keypad
  • How to input a multiple digits number using the keypad

Challenge Yourself 挑战自我

  • Display the pressed key of the keypad on LCD. Hint: Refer to Arduino - LCD
    在 LCD 上显示键盘的按键。提示:请参阅Arduino - LCD
  • Make a door lock with password protection using the keypad.




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